We believe in the power of youth voices.
Shout Mouse Press is a nonprofit writing and publishing program dedicated to amplifying underheard youth voices. From writing workshops to book publication to public speaking, we support young people as they tell their own stories and act as agents of change.
“This D.C. press helps diverse young writers express themselves ‘from a place of power.’”

Diverse and Inclusive Books
We publish and sell new books by young authors from marginalized and underrepresented communities each year. Proceeds from book sales are invested directly back into author communities through scholarship funds, speaker honoraria, intern stipends, and other initiatives that support youth leadership.
The Impact of Shout Mouse Press
“It is so valuable to create platforms like these books to amplify voices that we don’t regularly hear, and to have opportunities for people to listen. And then, for our students to be able to connect and say, ‘That’s me. I can do that.’”
“I remember at first I was like, ‘I don’t have a story. I don’t know what to tell.’ But then [the writing process] made me realize I have a lot of stories to tell — stories that can be powerful and inspire other youth like myself.”
“During this experience I realized that my story impacted everyone I came across. To have college students and professors admiring me because I continue to persevere shows me that despite my age, I’m teaching those older than me that everyone’s story matters.”

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